Linux Basics - Introduction to man and Navigation Commands ls,pwd,cd sass drew 9:57 1 year ago 154 Далее Скачать
Bioinformatics 05: Basic Linux Commands. Part 1: pwd, ls, man, cd, touch, mv and cp. Bioinformatics with Alex 4:34 4 years ago 198 Далее Скачать
Introduction to Linux and Basic Linux Commands for Beginners sakitech 18:46 11 years ago 3 912 959 Далее Скачать
Linux Commands for Beginners - Listing and Changing Directories (ls. cd) Part 1 TechHut 11:02 4 years ago 20 515 Далее Скачать
Linux Commands 2020 | Basic Commands pwd, cd & ls The Curious Classroom 6:30 5 years ago 901 Далее Скачать
Linux Navigate the file system using pwd, cd, ls commands Asim Code 11:02 3 years ago 185 Далее Скачать
Linux : Introduction into shell and navigation(pwd,cd,ls /Files system) #3 sapperberet 18:45 1 year ago 20 Далее Скачать
Navigating The Linux Terminal (pwd, ls & cd) - The Basics! NCSU BIT 12:06 8 years ago 7 249 Далее Скачать
Linux Tutorial 2 | Basic Linux commands (mkdir, cd, rm, rmdir, printf, echo, pwd, ls, cat, touch) TeachTech 13:45 3 years ago 4 856 Далее Скачать
60 Linux Commands you NEED to know (in 10 minutes) NetworkChuck 10:50 2 years ago 1 761 674 Далее Скачать
Linux Command Line basics (navigation with ls cd and pwd) The Kaiman Collective 16:30 7 years ago 38 Далее Скачать
Essential Linux Commands: ls, pwd, mkdir, cd, touch, vim, cat Sushanth Kurdekar (Logical Bee) 4:12 1 year ago 3 132 Далее Скачать
Terminal Commands Lesson 01 - pwd, cd, ls, man, --help DistroTube 14:00 7 years ago 7 140 Далее Скачать
Hacking Linux with These Simple Commands Pt:1 NetworkChuck Academy 0:56 2 years ago 580 494 Далее Скачать